On the morning of November 9th, curator Dani Fonseca awoke perplexed. Like many others, she was overcome with dread and shock as the results of the 2016 United States presidential election began to sink in. What could this mean for her own rights as a woman, an artist, a small business owner, and an earth inhabitant? And what of her planet as a whole?
A decision had to be made. Rather than allow the emotional tidal wave to defeat and numb her, Dani went on Facebook Live, broadcasting to a few thousand followers that this was actually a beautiful moment in history. Indeed there were questions of “what to do” and “how to be.” What was apparent, however, was that the struggle would undoubtedly be a catalyst for great art making. As an artist and a leader, it was her responsibility to respond with art. And not only her personal art, but also art that represents the diversity of voices at the table.
After reaching out to some of her most successful, influential, and passionate artist friends and colleagues, a collective was formed to create an immersive, interactive and experiential art and performance event. The purpose of TRAVERSE is two-fold: to create an aboveground space where people can connect viscerally to the raw emotional impact of the current agenda; to create an underground space where people can become aware of their reactive tendencies, find new possibilities for elevated response, and discover creative tools for critical thinking, passionate expression, and collaborative action.
Traverse invites all to not only observe, but also participate in this movement; to become the sources of change in the future months and years. Don’t just passively endure and resist – connect and create with intention, heart, and passion.
Curator. Fine & Experiential Artist, Leadership Mentor
www.TheBodyofArt.com, @TheBodyofArt
Assistant Curator. Experiential Art & Healing in Makeup, Tarot, and Intermedia
www.TaraCarrara.com, @taracarrara
Creators of The Art Rising, a global social art movement collaborating with indigenous artists
www.TheArtRising.com, @theartrising
Filmmaker, Composer, Event Director for Fashion & Beauty
www.CharlieWan.com, @dayburnnewyork, @houseofdayburn
Head Designer for Theatre, Makeup Artist, Fine Artist
www.JoeDulude2.com, @dulude2
Intuitive Makeup Artist & Healer, Performance Artist
www.KatyRamirezArtistry.com, @katy_ramirez_artistry
Sound Alchemist, Visual Artist, Designer-Ontological Engineer-Ecstatic Technician of the Sacred
www.facebook.com/QueztalcoatlsMagic, @queztalcoatlsmagic
Visual Artist, World Champion Bodypainter, Photographer & Producer
www.TrinaMerryArtist.com, @trinamerry
Makeup Artist, Painter
www.ViktorijaBowers.com, @viktorijabowers
Global Educating Makeup Artist, Fine Artist, Beauty Blogger, Educator
www.YvonneTheArtist.squarespace.com, @yvonnetheartist
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